Order Confirmation - Standard


Provide a copy of the order to your customer via automatic print out or email

As soon as an order has been completed, you can automatically print out a copy for the customer when at a Trade Fair/Showroom or send them an email with a copy of the order when using out on the road.

At Trade Fairs it is common practice to print out two copies of the order; 1 for the customer and 1 for you as a backup.  This happens automatically with no need for the handheld user to go near a computer.  Once the order is sent from the handheld the order is printed out automatically with multiple copies printed in less than 1 minute.

On the road the email is sent once the order is sent from the handheld.  This can be done after each order or done at the end of the day (up to the user).  It is then possible to automatically send a copy directly to the customer or to the rep/agent, or both.


Select from multiple different print out options that are available

There are multiple formats available for you to select within the FairScan program.  You can change between formats when required and also manually print orders in a specific format when needed.

With all print & email confirmation formats the business details are displayed at the top followed by the customers contact details, order summary details and then a line by line detail of the order.

Auto Print Options


Below are some examples of some of the popular Order Formats.

Your business details including logo will be displayed when using the system.

Order Confirmation - Classic

Classic Print Out

Order Confirmation - Standard

Standard Print Out

Order Confirmation - Photo

Photo Print Out

Order Confirmation - Picking Slip

Picking Slip