FairScan Help Quick Support can assist you by remote accessing your computer


FairScan has the ability to remote access your computer via TeamViewer or FairScan Quick Support

This will allow FairScan Support to view your computer screen and control your keyboard and mouse to help assist you.

If you don’t have TeamViewer installed on your computer, then download and run FairScan Quick Support (FairScanQS) which a mini version of TeamViewer which only runs when you start it.

If you already have TeamViewer installed, then simply advise FairScan of the TeamViewer ID and Password that is displayed along with details of the problem that you are having.

Detailed instructions on each options are provided below.


Click on a button below to learn more details about Remote Access options.

Please note that if you already have TeamViewer installed, you won’t be able to run FairScanQS.  Instead you can just provide FairScan your TeamViewer ID and password.


Remote Access to your computer is the easiest and best way to provide you with support.

By providing FairScan with Remote Access to your computer, we can see exactly what you see and can then provide you with assistance to fix the problem that you are experiencing.

It is highly recommended to have FairScanQS or TeamViewer running when contacting FairScan for support so that your problem or question can be resolved as quickly as possible.