New Name Badges
- New name badges are being introduced for Reed, Life inStyle and AGHA Fairs
- Reed and LIS will use the same badge, AGHA will use a separate badge
- FairScan users will require Internet access to be able to scan the new name badges
- If your laptop is running Windows XP it will need to be updated to Windows 7
- The older Palm handhelds are unable to scan the new name badges
- Gift & Lifestyle fairs (Expertise Events) aren’t changing their name badge and don’t require Internet access at their fairs to scan name badges
As of 2022, both Reed and the AGHA have changed their name badges for their fairs. Previously a retailer could enter both fairs using the same badge. From this year a retailer will now be required to have two badges; 1 for Reed and 1 for AGHA. This will result in retailers having to register twice in two different systems.
As a result of this, the type of name badge that will be used at Reed, Life inStyle and AGHA fairs will be different from 2022.
Previously a retailer could enter the Reed fair with a badge that was printed at the AGHA fair and vice versa. To capture new customer details, exhibitors could then scan either badge regardless of where it was printed, and regardless of where they were exhibiting.
The process was easy for everyone and worked well since its introduction back in 2005.
Since then FairScan has regularly fought and argued that the open nature of the badge should remain to allow all exhibitors, not just FairScan customers, to scan the name badge to capture contact details of the person standing in front of them. This was good for retailers, good for exhibitors and therefore good for the fair as a whole.
Both Reed and the AGHA are now changing their name badges which now doesn’t allow everyone from directly scanning the contact details off the name badge. Reed are encrypting all the data on the badge whilst the AGHA have removed the data completely from their badge leaving a single QR code that only contains the visitors ID and no contact details.
This change is immediate and will impact all future Reed, Life inStyle and AGHA fairs.
FairScan has been working closely with Reed and the AHGA on a solution that will enable our customers to scan the name badges like they normally do to capture new customer contact details. Instead of reading that information directly from the badge (what we did in the past), we now have to go online to the Reed/AGHA servers to download the customers details.
The good news is that for the handheld user, the process won’t change much when scanning a new customer. Now when a badge is scanned there will be an approximate 5 second delay from scanning to seeing the contact details on the handheld. The handheld user can then modify the details when required and then start an order.
As long as you have Internet access and are using the latest FairScan software, you will be able to scan name badges like you did before.
For all Reed and GHA Fairs from this year (2022), exhibitors will now require Internet access in order for name badges to be scanned. You don’t need Internet access to scan orders, print orders, run reports etc. You only need Internet access to scan new customers or lead name badges.
It is important to note that this change only affects the Reed and AGHA Gift Fairs. The Gift & Lifestyle fairs run by Expertise events will continue to allow direct scanning of name badges without the need for Internet access.
User of the older Palm handhelds (black and white screen), please note that those handhelds can no longer scan new customer name badges due to the name badge changes. Please follow the link below for more details.
AGHA Trade Fairs
Businesses exhibiting at the AGHA fairs will be required to pay a ‘per fair fee’ if they wish to scan name badges at the AGHA fairs.
This is a fee being charged by the AGHA to FairScan at each fair that enables exhibitors to scan name badges.
This fee isn’t charged by the organisers of the Reed or Expertise Gift & Lifestyle fairs. AGHA fairs are the only fairs that charge this fee.
We did our best to try and explain to the AGHA that the ability for their exhibitors to scan name badges at their fairs is an essential requirement that should be free for all exhibitors.
Unfortunately they don’t agree with this and therefore the fee that they charge FairScan, will be equally divided amongst exhibitors who wish to scan name badges.
FairScan will not be profiting on this charge as we strongly, strongly believe that the ability for Exhibitors to scan name badges should be free.
We do thank the AGHA to allow us to scan name badges, and we plan to continue discussions with them on this matter moving forward.
Checklist to be able to scan the new name badges
In order to scan the new name badges, you must ensure the following:
- You must have handhelds that can scan QR barcodes (Palm handhelds are unable to scan new name badges)
- You must have Internet access at the fair (can order an Optus prepaid modem from FairScan for $60)
- Your computer must be running Windows 7 or higher (Windows XP no longer supported)
- FairScan software on the laptop must be updated (update instructions will be provided closer to the fair)
- You have selected and paid for a FairScan Annual Support plan (further details will be sent via email shortly)
If you need further details on any of the details above, please click the links below to learn more about these changes. Each section contains detailed information on the changes as well as an in-depth FAQ on each topic.
Please note that if you don’t want to scan the new badges, you don’t have to upgrade your handhelds, upgrade your laptop or have Internet access.

More Details
This mini website provides in-depth details on all aspects of the changes.
The most significant change is the way that name badges are scanned but if you look at the steps below, you will see that for most users there will be very little impact to the handheld user.
Click on the links below for more details or contact FairScan at if you have any questions.
Scanning Name Badges on Windows Mobile handhelds
Below displays how a name badge is scanned using the Windows Mobile (PPC) handhelds. These handhelds have a scanner that scan scan QR barcodes so they can directly scan a name badge, connect to the Internet and then display the customers contact details directly on the handheld screen.
If you are using one of the handhelds in the image to the right, then you scan scan the new name badges (subject to checklist above).
The only new step in this process is step 4 where the handheld goes online and downloads the customers contact details. This step takes on average 5 seconds to complete. Once the contact details are downloaded they will be displayed on the handheld screen and can then be edited if required and then saved.

If you are using one of these handhelds then you can scan the new name badges
Step 1 – Tap ‘New Cust’ on handheld
Step 2 – Empty New Customer screen is displayed
Step 3 – Scan name badge
Step 4 – Wait 3-5 seconds to download details
Step 5 – Contact details displayed
In-depth details
Click one of the options below to learn more about the changes.

FairScan Annual Support Plan
To scan the new name badges you must have a FairScan Annual Support plan and have the latest FairScan software installed on your laptop.
FairScan will issue invoices for support 3 week before the fair which must then be paid in full before the fair.
More details on FairScan Annual Support will be emailed shortly.
Internet Access
For all Reed and GHA Fairs from this year (2022), exhibitors will now require Internet access in order for name badges to be scanned. You don’t need Internet access to scan orders, print orders, run reports etc. You only need Internet access to scan new customers or lead name badges.
Click the link below to learn more about having Internet access at the upcoming fairs.
Windows XP
If you are wanting to scan name badges, and your laptop is running Windows XP, then it will need to be updated to Windows 7.
FairScan can perform this upgrade free of charge. It will only cost money if a new Windows 7 licence is required to be purchased.
Click the link below to learn more about the upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7.
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions in relation to the new name badges.
Click on the question in the light grey box to view the answer.
If you have any further questions please email
How has the name badges changed?
Reed and AGHA name badges will no longer embed the contact details of the retailer within the 2D/QR barcode on the name badge.
The barcode on the Reed badge is now encrypted and the contact details of the customer can only be obtained by communicating with their server and downloading them that way.
The AGHA badge will now only have 1 QR barcode on it that will have the ID number only of that retailer. To obtain their contact details we must connect to their server (hosted by Info Salons) and download the details that way.
What Trade Fairs does this effect?
These changes apply to the Reed, Life Instyle and AGHA Gift Fairs starting in 2021.
This does not apply to the Expertise Fairs (Gift & Lifestyle – Melb Feb, Gold Coast July, and Sydney September). These fairs will continue to have a barcode on the badge that can be scanned directly without the need for internet access.
Which fair will be the first to introduce these changes?
The Reed fair in Sydney April 2021 was the first fair to use the new name badges and all FairScan customers that exhibited at that fair were able to scan new customer badges with the latest version of FairScan with Internet access on their laptop.
Did FairScan have any say in the changing of the name badges?
No. The decision to change the name badges and how they have changed was decided by the fair organisers. Once the changes were decided both Reed and the AGHA have been very helpful in developing a solution that will still enable exhibitors to scan name badges. We are very thankful for their help.
Will there be any ongoing costs associated with scanning the new name badges?
As of June 2021 Reed has no immediate plans to charge exhibitors for scanning name badges at their fairs. This may change in the future, but for now Reed exhibitors don’t have to pay anything extra outside their FairScan Annual Support plan.
AGHA exhibitors are required to pay a fee per fair to cover the cost of info Salons providing access to their server to download contact details when badges are scanned. FairScan is charged this fee by Info Salons (the registration company) and not the AGHA. FairScan will absorb some of this fee but unfortunately we are forced to pass on some of these costs to AGHA exhibitors that elect to access the Info Salons server.
How much will it cost per fair for AGHA exhibitors?
$100 per AGHA fair but if you pay for Melbourne August 2021 Support before 15th July then you will only pay $50 for that fair. The cost for future fairs will be determined and notified in the lead up to those fairs.
As a FairScan user who exhibits at the AGHA fairs, do I have to pay this fee?
You don’t have to pay the fee, but if you don’t then you won’t be able to scan the new name badges.
Why do AGHA exhibitors have to pay to scan name badges whilst Reed exhibitors do not?
Info Salons are maintaining the AGHA registration server/database and they are charging FairScan a fee each fair for our customers to access that server. FairScan users have the option of paying this fee if they wish to scan the new name badges at the AGHA fairs.
The Reed server/database is maintained by Emperia which is their name badge scanning provider. Emperia is free and therefore access to Reed exhibitors is free. This may change in the future but as of 2021 there is no charge to access the Reed server.
I also exhibit at Expertise fairs (Gift & Lifestyle). Do these changes apply to those fairs?
No. Expertise will continue to produce a barcode on the name badge that you can scan to capture new customer details without the need for Internet access.
Both Palm and newer handhelds can scan these barcodes in the traditional manner (pre 2021 method).
I exhibit at Life inStyle, do these changes also affect me?
Yes. LIS will have the same badges/process as Reed exhibitors. There is no cost for LIS to scan name badges in 2021.
Can I use my Palm handhelds with the new name badges?
No. You can continue to use the Palm handhelds at Reed and AHGA fairs, but you will have to manually enter new customer details instead of scanning name badges therefore you can still continue to use the Palm handhelds at any fair, but with some limitations.
For more details visit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What do I need to do to be able to scan the new name badges?
You need to update to the latest FairScan software (v2021.1.0 or higher) and have Internet access at the fair.
Do I need Internet to scan the new name badges?
Yes. The only way to capture the contact details on the Reed and AGHA badges is to connect to their servers online and make a request each time a badge is scanned. This process is seamless and only takes a few seconds.
Why do I need Internet to scan the new name badges?
Previously we were able to read the customers contact details directly off the name badge. These details are now no longer readable from the badge. Instead we connect to a server online, send that server a request and then have the contact details returned directly to the handheld.
Will this new process slow us down?
This new process will add 5 seconds on average to the time it takes to scan a new customer’s name badge. Previously you could scan the badge and see the contact details instantly. Now when you scan the badge you will see a screen display a message indicating the handheld is connecting to download the details.
This process takes a few seconds to complete. In Sydney in April, exhibitors reported that at times it took 2 seconds to complete, other times it took 10 seconds to complete.
On average it should add about 5 seconds.
Do the handheld users have to do anything different when scanning name badges?
No. To the handheld user the process will be the same in that they click on ‘New Customer’ and then scan the barcode on the name badge. The only difference will be a few seconds delay for the details to appear on the screen of the handheld.
Does this affect how I deal with existing customers?
No. No matter what handheld you are using, If you are taking an order for an existing customer you should select them from the preloaded list as you normally would so that the order matches against them in your Accounting System.
Name badges should continue to only be scanned for new customers or leads.
Can I edit contact details once scanned?
Yes. Once the contact details have been retrieved, they will be displayed on the screen of the handheld where you can then confirm them with the customer and make adjustments where needed.
Do I need to upgrade my handhelds to scan the new name badges?
If you are using Palm handhelds (black and white screen) then you won’t be able to scan name badges at Reed and AGHA fairs anymore.
If you are using Windows Mobile handhelds (coloured screen) then you can continue to scan name badges in a similar manner as you previously did. For Windows Mobile users you don’t need to upgrade your handhelds but you must have Internet connection and be running the latest FairScan software.
How will this affect your customers (retailers)?
Retailers will now be required to register in two systems. They will then receive two separate name badges which grants them access to the fair that provided them that badge.
Retailers can no longer use the 1 badge to enter both Reed and AGHA fairs. If they enter the Exhibition Centre in Melbourne off Clarendon street (Crown Casino) and register with Reed, then try to enter the AGHA fair, they will need to register again with the AGHA and obtain a 2nd badge which grants them access to the AGHA fair.
Having a AGHA badge won’t allow them access to the Reed fair, and having a Reed badge won’t allow them to access the AGHA fair.
Are these changes good for the industry?
FairScan has been supporting the Gift Fairs for 20 years and has a thorough understanding of what works and what doesn’t. We have a strong opinion on these changes.
FairScan has agreed to not speak negatively of the organisers or their decisions so therefore are unable to provide our point of view publicly on this topic.
What are the benefits of these changes to retailers and exhibitors?
FairScan is not aware of any benefits to either retailers or exhibitors.
What are the negatives of these changes for retailers and exhibitors?
These changes will be a minor inconvenience to retailers in that they now need 2 name badges and must produce the correct one when entering each fair.
Exhibitors will also be slightly inconvenienced by now requiring Internet access for the duration of the fair and possibly having to upgrade their older (Palm – black and white screen) handhelds.
Important to note that these are only minor inconveniences and FairScan is here to make it as easy and seamless as possible for you and your customers. We are very thankful to Reed and the AGHA for allowing our customers to be able to scan the new name badges.
How will this affect Life inStyle?
Life inStyle is owned and operated by Reed Exhibitions and therefore retailers only require one badge for both of these fairs. So if a retailer registers at LIS they will be able to use the same name badge to enter Reed and they won’t have to register again. Vice versa applied if registering at Reed, they can use that badge to enter LIS.
Life inStyle exhibitors will follow the same rules/process as Reed exhibitors.
Do I need to update FairScan software to be able to scan the new name badges?
Yes. A significant update to the FairScan software has been released in 2021 that is needed to scan the name badges. This update is for both the handhelds and the software on the computer/laptop.
Click here to view details on the suggested update process xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can FairScan help me with the software updates and to obtain Internet access?
Yes. FairScan is happy to help our customers in preparing for these changes and can update your FairScan software on request.
It is recommended that your FairScan software is updated in the office before you leave for the Melbourne Fair. This can be done via remote access using TeamViewer. More details will be provided on this in a separate email closer to the fair.
Do I need to use the name badge scanning system offered by the organisers of the fair?
If you are using Windows Mobile handhelds (coloured screen), then you don’t need to use the name badge scanning system provided by the organisers as the handhelds you have will be able to scan the badges for both new customers and leads.
You are welcome to use their scanning systems for leads, but that system doesn’t link with FairScan.